Rebuilding, repairing,
AND restoring broken communities one household at a time.
Pambazuka is the Swahili word for “Dawn.”
October 18, 2021 brought a new beginning;
Pambazuka Ministries was incorporated in Uganda.
Our name, vision, mission and objectives resonate from Isaiah 58:6-14.
Use discipleship and Social Economic projects to empower communities to identify and use sustainably their free God given resources today without compromising the needs for tomorrow’s generations. (Sustainable Joyful Inheritance for Generations to Come)
Our Mission
We have many reached many milestones since our establishment in October 2021, thanks to our volunteers, donations, fundraising, and other support. Our future vision is bigger than us; we are completely trusting God to write his own story.
Beautiful Beginnings

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…and surely I am with you always
to the very end of ages”
Matthew 28:19