pambazuka is the swahili word for “dawn”
October 18, 2021 brought a new beginning; Pambazuka Ministries was incorporated in Uganda, Pambazuka is Swahili word for “Dawn”. Our name, vision, mission and objectives resonate from Isaiah 58:6-14. Our Vision is to rebuild, repair and restore broken communities one household at a time. Our Mission is to use discipleship and Social Economic projects to empower communities to identify and use sustainably their free God given resources today without compromising the needs for tomorrow’s generations. (Sustainable Joyful Inheritance for Generations to Come)
Our Objectives
We support, promote:
Church planting
Pastors/Church Leaders training
Church Ministries
Discipleship Multiplication Programs
Direct Food Relief to hungry people, both in Uganda by working with other funded organizations, supplementing food resources available through government and international agencies by growing our own food and encouraging the community to grow food, and initiating food relief programs when necessary.
Support and Promote the well-being of vulnerable and orphaned Children through feeding programs.
We manage a relief collection and distribution Centre as a disaster preparedness strategy.
We offer Emotional and Mental Trauma Healing support for victims of post covid effects, teenage pregnancies sexual abuse and forced Marriages.
We advocate against effects of backwardness like genital mutation practices, forced marriages, domestic violence, child labor, etc.
We advocate for the well-being of the elderly, widows, the poor and foreigners in the communities.
We support and empower the well-being and rehabilitation of prisoners, drug addicts and street Children, back to a productive life in the community.
We advocate descent life for Children and person with disabilities.
Education and Interpretation – seek to sensitize the church and the public at large to a Biblical and theological understanding of hunger issues and to the dimensions of the world hunger crisis; provide educational resources and training strategies.
We promote gender equality in access to formal, vocational, life skill and adult literacy education opportunities as effective tool to achieve sustainable development.
We advocate against backwardness say early marriages, female genital mutation, sexual abuse and child labor as an enemy towards development.
We advocate, promote, and train Good Health and Well being for every Individual through door to door public, primary, mental health care campaigns, follow-up and monitoring.
Affordable descent homes with clean water, clean energy and good sanitation for each household.
Community involvement in Health Advocacy Responsible drug use, by screening for diseases and consulting with qualified medical persons.
Advocate, Train and Promote Biblical Poverty Eradication principles with an emphasis of the fear of God, working diligently hard, tithing, giving and saving Teamwork and gender equality in formation of strong cooperatives, trade Unions, farmers groups to adopt modern farming technologies to aid improvement of food security farmers income and sustainable wealth creation chain.
Community model farms where we facilitate farmers training on sustainable modern technology.
Peaceful coexistence for peaceful strong, thriving communities.
Zero hunger through sustainable regenerative Agri - business meeting todays food need without compromising the needs for tomorrows generation.
Quality Control, production, value addition, joint marketing as a strategy to overcome middlemen exploitation hence maximizing profit Margins.
Organize, coordinate Local, regional, continental, and International training educative travels to trade fairs, Agricultural shows, exhibitions, successful projects for the purpose of exposure, networking, diversity learning and access sustainable and equitable trade relationships.
Development Assistance
Empower/encourage agricultural and environment training, nutrition education, public health, clean water / energy and responsible parent. Give start-ups to identified needy households.
Influencing Public Policy
Work alongside Government programs and mobilizing communities to embrace and contribute to political and economic power decision making, and support policy changes that will provide food for their families the poor and hungry people in their households, community, and eventually make a national and global impact in food security.

How You Can Help Us
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Make all the difference. Shine brightly!